Tuesday 14 July 2015

PERSONAL: One or More..?

A couple of days back, I asked a question.

The answers I got were….not encouraging, to say the least.

After finding out someone I had liked for a total of two years (off and on but yes, you read that right, two years) said he had liked me too.

It took a few hours but I started venturing down the rabbit hole...
What if he was just playing to the one-man gallery (me)?
And more importantly, had he liked other people in that period?
(I had seen his twitter page once or twice)

Let’s follow the path of ‘IF I wanted something to happen…

Now, after this, I thought OK, what now?

A girl doesn’t say “Ok. So you like me and I like you, let’s see where it goes” (as I write this my mind throws exceptions because that’s not the way things normally go or the way they SHOULD go. There should be a goal in mind.)

You see, if you’ve liked someone for an obscenely long period of time, like, say two years, you’d expect that after you both have come out about that stuff, you go headfirst into the ‘whirlwind romance’. Depending on your inclinations that could mean a variety of things.

However, in the pot of beans I was in, we had a major challenge.

Who the flip is this person I like?

We had not spent long periods of time together to know the important things (stalking to get those details don’t count).
I know you’d say that that’s not actual ‘liking’ but what is it then? Infatuation? Lust? The answer would be No and No because for those emotions to be felt, there’d also have to be periods of time spent with each other. No?

Oh, what a fantastic pot of beans life. -_-

Now, my three questions, after the initial emo talk and baring of feelings;
What happens next?
Who makes the first move?
What is that move that should be made?

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