Wednesday 27 July 2016

Striking Gold

I stumbled across Fashion Toast sometime last week or upper week and immediately fell in love with the site and the Rumi Neely whose pictures are so tastefully scattered all over the site.

Have a look see...

The site does take a while for first time load especially if your internet connection crawls -like mine was today- but I found the content extremely refreshing.

My favorite thing on the site right now has to be liquid gold (pictured below)

Just take a minute to appreciate it. I'll wait. (you'll need to d that in full screen mode)
If you need extra help in appreciating it, there you go.

If you know or you've watched SATC, you know what this dress is. If you don't, see SATC Season 1 Episode 6.

I think the dress is gooooorgeous. And as the site is 'FOR GIRLS THAT GET IT'', I'm glad I do. Unless that means..... Lol. 

In related news, Kendall Jenner was pictured with the slip dress here

I'm definitely going to be refreshing this site DAILY and going through the archives, of course. 

Lest I forget, you can shop ZILLAH here. 

What's your take on the dress?

Thursday 21 July 2016

What's so great about "Closure"?

That torrid affair or that whirlwind romance all gone in a hot second.

You're left oddly bereft.

Like a single fern hanging there by itself.

Or a forgotten rope dangling off a cliff.

What's the point of a discussion to end what was once glorious?

What's the point of facing reality so harshly, so abruptly...

Then again, the abrupt thing WAS the end of the relationship, the affair, the situation-ship.

You habor the right to deal with it the way you want and screw what anyone else thinks.

What right does the person, who took away your 'happy', have to take away your just-because-I-can or just-because-I'm-hurt reason for doing reckless sheez?

Why does the person feel the need to make you think, to make you calm when all you want to do is yell and scream?

Is that not one thing you've always disliked, how they're always trying to control your reactions, control your views, Control YOU.

You're passionate.

A wild-at-heart.

A beating heart.

A free spirit.

You deserve the right to your closure.
Your own reckless.
Your own mad.