Tuesday 12 April 2016

Random Musing #002

I like the rain.
It's the weather like today that makes me want to BE with someone in every sense of the word.
I cast my gaze upwards (just above the street lamps level and the power cables level) and let my mind roam
I let my heart be free, let it expand to contain and visualize my dreams..

I like bridges.
A weather like today's looking at the skies cruising on the bridge transports me to a time or that of an alter ago, where I, absent-mindedly looking at the rains fall, have my lover come to me and wrap his arm around my waist and draw me against him... possessively.

I like the quiet after a storm.
That moment of silence where everything seems right with the world,
The stillness.
In that moment I hold my breath, willing the moment to never end, willing that I could forever stay in his arms....

And suddenly I realize some parts of this are from a scene in a book. 
Or what I felt like while reading a book.. 
Or was it...?